Annie Fountain

Oil Painter







On a cold and foggy day, with a brisk wind coming from the Pacific, Annie Fountain toted her painting gear down to Baker Beach in San Francisco and discovered the joys (and sometimes frustrations) of painting on location. Incredibly, despite shivering and numb fingers, her passion for painting the landscape began.


Annie studied art during her university years and took home a degree in biology. A California native, she has always admired the work of the California impressionist painters and continually studies the work of past and present masters of representational art, some of whom have been instructors and mentor. Living in the Sierra Foothills, her regular painting routine gives her endless opportunity to see and learn from the land she loves and to document on canvas a portion of its beauty.


"Our own style can't help but surface in our brushwork", she says. "If you look at a group of paintings of the same subject painted on the same day, you will see no two paintings alike". Annie's brushwork and ability to capture a time and space through the use of value and color

contrast give her work a light-filled, vibrant quality. It's not always an easy task, but is what makes it an "exciting challenge that is satisfying and worthwhile".


Her paintings have been exhibited in both gallery and juried shows.


To view Annie's work please click here


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